LA Tech CEO Pens White Paper: Tired of Being a Salesforce Prisoner?

April 14, 2023 - Los Angeles, CA – FOUNDRY CEO Rick Peltz has written an eye-opening white paper intended to shake up and wake up the real estate industry.

The contents of the white paper have already convinced brokerage teams from global firms including CBRE, Colliers, Marcus & Millichap, Kidder Matthews, NAI, RIPCO, Centennial Advisors, Lee & Associates, Sperry CGA and that an effective CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution should not cost a fortune or be difficult to learn.

Titled “Tired of Being a Salesforce Prisoner?” the white paper is now available on the FOUNDRY website. It explains the two types of web-based CRE solutions available, the pros and cons of each, and cost comparisons between the two. “If you have a brain, it’s a no-brainer,” one top-producing broker said.

After having spent nearly twenty years as a Chief Information Officer with CRE brand Marcus & Millichap, Peltz has embarked on a continuing mission to disrupt the commercial real estate niche and save the top CRE companies millions of dollars.

According to Peltz: “Just two years ago, there were seven subscription-based SAAS CRE solutions. Four of these SAAS brands were Salesforce-based (Apto, REthink CRM, Buildout, AscendixRE CRM), and RealNex, Prospect Now and ClientLook.”  

“In 2023, there are only four subscription-based CRE solutions remaining. Slowly, but surely the industry is waking up to the reality that a non-subscription based solution FOUNDRY is your way out of the Salesforce prison,” said Peltz.

Foundry is the first and only CRE enterprise software solution that you own, complete with deal, property, CRM and prospecting management. Unlike all other CRM solutions, there is no service contract and there are no recurring subscription fees. It is uniquely and specifically designed for the CRE niche, easy to navigate and extremely user friendly.

Ultimate Foundry Offers Unique & Safe CRM Platform for Commercial Real Estate Industry

Tech CEO Warns of Potential Data Breaches & Major SAAS Issues

March 14, 2022 - Los Angeles, CA - Ultimate Foundry is the world’s fastest, most intuitive and secure commercial real estate CRM. It’s also the only CRE (Commercial Real Estate) deal management, CRM (Client Relationship Management) and property platform where the broker/brokerage owns the application, database and source code.

According to Rick Peltz, Founder & CEO of Ultimate Foundry, "It is widely known within the CRE industry that all modern SAAS CRM solutions have several major, glaring and potentially dangerous faults: First, you do not own your source code or database when you sign up for their subscription-based model."

Peltz continued with a stern warning: "The second major fault with SAAS CRM solutions is that if your provider is purchased by another company, clients have no control of what happens to their data. Even when the subscription contracts expire, there is no guarantee whatsoever that your data will be protected or deleted."

Peltz, a CRM expert and former 20-year Chief Information Officer with global CRE brand Marcus & Millichap says all current CRM solutions are subscription-based and require contracts for accessing the application and data. Customization, in most cases, is solely at the expense of the client (if allowed) and lost when the client switches from one CRM solution to another. With Ultimate Foundry, clients own the source code and all internal and external customization becomes part of their own CRM platform.

Ultimate Foundry's current clients have expressed concerns that subscription-based solutions, such as Salesforce (Buildout, Apto, Rethink) Realnex and Clientlook have access to their data, during their contract and after. This raises serious concerns that their data may not be secured. “Ultimate Foundry is really the only safe CRM solution that makes logical sense today,” says Peltz. “Our software will not only save, secure and protect your data, but it will also save CRE companies hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.”

Ultimate Foundry Specifications:
- Perpetual license starting at 25 users
- Unlimited ability for deal management, CRM & property management
- New Deal Tasks allow support of internal & external departments such as  Marketing, Sales & Vendors
- Full access to source code (Microsoft Visual Studio) & SQL Server database
- Capital investment vs. operating expense
- ROI in less than two years, in most cases